Unparalleled Testimonials

Our Students Love Working With Us - See what they have to say

"Too many in the LSAT prep industry are either in it to shake down students for profit or give up when their way fails. Josh is neither. He strives to ensure the test makes sense to you. If a tough question still doesn't make sense, he continues to find a way to make it understandable. Along with my effort, his help proved crucial to my 99th percentile score!"
~D.W - 175 - October 2022 LSAT

"Josh was incredibly helpful in my LSAT preparation process. I had already taken the LSAT several times and was struggling to hit my target. Understanding that I was not starting from ground zero, he really tailored our sessions to what I needed. Josh helped me to identify what my weaknesses were, and to rethink how I approached those types of questions. After ~6 weeks of working with him, I was able to increase my score from a 168 to 175. Thanks so much for all the help!"
~G.S. - 175 - October 2022 LSAT

"After months of struggling with RC, I connected with Josh and he kindly spoke to me about working together. From our very first session his ability to teach and get direct to the material was very suitable to my learning style. After one session, I was able to diagnose and look at questions in a different perspective and ultimately my RC scores increased after working together. He is the tutor you are looking for and is extremely knowledgeable with the material. His ability to get me looking at the content in a different light really helped me start hitting the high 170's on PT's, and on test day a 170."
~OA, (170, October 2022 LSAT)

"I knew what I was capable of scoring, but didn't think I'd ever achieve it because no matter how many test prep books I worked through, the logic games section always felt like a crapshoot to me. One of the first things Josh told me was that LG is the only section where you can know that you got every question right. I almost laughed, but the system he explained in one session, then worked through with me during a handful more, was straightforward, comprehensive, and powerful. I was off to the races after that! I had taken this test 5 times before and my highest-ever score was a 168... after just four sessions with Josh I took it for the 6th time and got a 175. It was a massive improvement that I'm 100% sure I could not have made without his tutoring."
~M.E. - 175 - October 2022 LSAT

In my nearly two years of studying for the LSAT while working full-time, I've tried different books, prep companies, free resources, and paid resources. What distinguishes working with Josh from other resources is his patience, clear communication, and adept experience with the LSAT. As this is a test of comprehension, I don't believe other tips and gimmicks could replace true understanding. That's where Josh shines. He knows the test inside out. He always comes to the session well-prepared with several ways to tackle a difficult question and patiently work through them with me until I'm satisfied. He is very flexible and fun to work with. I couldn't achieve this result without his support!
~TKN 174, September 2022 LSAT

"I came to Josh when I was struggling to break out of the mid 160s. Within the span of a few short weeks, Josh's guidance helped me identify my major weaknesses, and I began to consistently score in the 170s. I am incredibly thankful for all of Josh's support, and could not have gotten the 171 without his help! Josh was an excellent tutor, and very patient with me when something wasn't clicking! I'd highly recommend him if you are looking to raise your LSAT score, whether you are new to the exam, and need help with the fundamentals, or if you already have some experience under your belt, as I did."
~N.G. - 171, January 2023 LSAT

"Josh is an amazing tutor. As someone who has test anxiety, I knew I would need someone to guide me and give me unshakable confidence for test day. Josh did just that. He was great at explaining things and breaking the test down in the most basic terms. He helped me see that the LSAT was not something to be afraid of, but that it was just a puzzle that I could easily crack with practice. He was also extremely patient and kind, and never made me feel embarrassed when I didn't fully understand a concept. He always found a way to make it make sense to me. I would definitely recommend Josh to anyone who needs help studying for the LSAT. "
~J.N. - 161 - January 2023 LSAT

"He turned my starting practice score of 151 to a 171."
~Amanda D.

"He is the reason for my double-digit score improvement! I would recommend him to anyone and everyone taking the LSAT."
~Jessica O.

"The first time I took the lsat, my score couldn't have gotten me anywhere. It was when I found Josh and he taught me how to approach the lsat with a different mindset that I got the score that I wanted. He was very patient with me and always made sure I understood a problem before moving on. I'm now heading to my dream school in the fall!"
~Seema I.

"I took the LSAT 3 times. I self-studied the first-time and went with a big name company for the second time. My score remained the same the first two times, and I went to Josh for help with my third take. Josh was able to help me identify my weaknesses and help me understand where I was specifically going wrong in certain problems. I was able to increase my score 6 points with the help of Josh, and would highly recommend him!"
~Aaron W.

"Hi Josh,
Hope this note finds you well. Just wanted to write you real quick that my LSAT score came up 6 points from a 158 to a 164, which is great! Thanks for all of your help and best of luck with the growing business!
Jeff M."

"Josh taught me the skills and shorthand necessary to master the Logic Games section of the LSAT. With this knowledge, I was able to raise my score 6 points!"
~Shayna M.

“I ended up working with Josh and can’t say enough about my experience. I came in with a 154 diagnostic and consistently missing 10 or more Logic Game questions, but after just a couple months with Josh, I was able to cut my LG score down to -1 or -2. I started in August with Josh, took the October LSAT, and scored a 174! After receiving my score, Josh also answered any questions I had about the application process and even offered to review some of my essays.”
~Dallin A.

"I started my LSAT journey in early 2019 with a diagnostic score of 150. After self-studying for almost a year and taking the official LSAT itself multiple times, I was stuck in the low 160 range and could not seem to get out of it no matter how much I tried self-studying. That is when I reached out to Josh for tutoring services. Not only was Josh an incredibly patient and helpful tutor who helped me reach a 167 on the August 2020 LSAT-Flex exam but his support for me was integral to me feeling confident with my score, applying and eventually getting into a top law school I never expected to get into. Josh has been an incredible tutor, mentor and cheerleader for me throughout this process. Even when I had non-LSAT related issues such as questions about his law school experience or about the admissions process itself, Josh always took the time out of his day to give me a call or text. When I let him know I was retaking the exam again after our tutoring had ended, Josh still reached out to me and I really felt like I had an ally going into the exam. This gave me confidence when taking the exam, and contributed to my scoring in the high practice test range that Josh’s tutoring got me to."

"From my very first session with Josh, I felt very comfortable with him. After a few sessions he was able to figure out what my weaknesses were, and we started working together to address those weaknesses. In just a short amount of time my score started increasing. Josh knows the test very well and he is also an amazing tutor!
Moreover, what I also love about Josh is that he will be there for you when you have “a bad LSAT day” whether you get a low score on a PT or in general feel down or tired. He will be there to help you go through that. In this sense, he is also a great motivator and encourages you to go forward! He was there in every step of the way and I will always appreciate that."

I came to Josh after months of self-studying and an LSAT score that I was incredibly unhappy with. In my personal experience, studying for the LSAT was so stressful and grueling, but Josh was able to pinpoint my weaknesses and help me attack them head on. I felt more accomplished and confident after every session. Even through my frustrations, which were fairly frequent, Josh was patient and understanding. After a few months with Josh, I ended up taking the LSAT again and improving my original score by 11 points."
~Bailey Z.

"Hi Josh,
I don't know if you remember me, but I had some tutoring sessions with you a few months ago. I wanted to let you know that your sessions have helped me tremendously and that I continue to improve...and using your notes has been an enormous part of my overall understanding of the LSAT."
~Kathryn R.

"The winter break before my senior spring semester of college I decided to take the LSAT in the following April (though eventually this date would get pushed back to June due to COVID-19). I started doing private tutoring sessions with Josh mid-February after becoming severely disappointed and frustrated with my university’s LSAT prep program offered at the student union center. Once I started working privately with Josh, it was a game changer, and I soon realized he was going to be my best bet at success on the LSAT. I had conveyed to Josh that Reading Comprehension was my weakest section, and Josh tried every imaginable strategy that he could conceive to ensure that I felt comfortable navigating that section- he even reached out to fellow tutors to inquire about strategies. (Believe me, I can’t even remember how many different reading comprehension strategies we tested). Josh truly tailors each session to your needs but only after doing a proper overview of each section, highlighting potential strategies that you can test out. Josh successfully creates a way to study for the LSAT in an almost formulaic fashion- proving effective for me as a student because it made the LSAT seem less abstract. I remember consistently doing sessions with Josh going over difficult Logical Reasoning questions and Logic Games setups to ensure that I would be comfortable when I encountered a difficult LR question or LG setup on the test. An LSAT tutor does not come in better form than Josh. Josh will not give up on you as his student. He will not let you feel defeated, and he will make sure that you understand an LSAT concept or the why for an answer to a question before moving on. This persistence was pivotal in my success on the LSAT, and I cannot thank Josh enough for the role he played in my LSAT journey."
~Abby S.

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