Meet the Squad

LSAT Tutors was founded in 2023 by three friends with a passion for helping students navigate the extremely difficult task of conquering the LSAT. Our mission is to help those like us beat the LSAT without all the stress and uncertainty we went through.

Jonathan Rudner (CEO and cofounder)

Jonathan brings a unique blend of legal knowledge and business management experience as a lawyer and CEO of a multimillion dollar business.

Josh Garfinkel (CPO and cofounder)

Josh just loves the LSAT. He has been focused on developing students through tutoring full-time for the last 17 years (since 2006!) There’s nothing he loves more than collaborating with students to build their minds and crush the test.

Blake Watters (CTO and cofounder)

Blake is a force of nature. He brings 20+ years of software engineering experience ranging from from enterprise web applications, consumer mobile applications, and server infrastructure.

Ulysses (Office Manager, Head of Mackerel Consumption)

Ulysses brings a unique penguin driven perspective combined with a razor sharp legal mind. He is a coveted public speaker and sushi expert.