LSAT Tutors

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From 152 to 171

Rafael's LSAT Journey with Tutor Josh Garfinkel

When it comes to the Law School Admission Test (LSAT), a high score can be the ticket to top law schools and successful legal careers. Today, we'll share the inspiring story of Rafael, a determined law school aspirant, who skyrocketed his LSAT score from 152 to 171 with the help of his tutor, Josh Garfinkel. Rafael's journey is one of dedication, perseverance, and the power of personalized tutoring.

The Struggle Begins

Rafael had always dreamed of attending a prestigious law school, and he knew that a high LSAT score was crucial for achieving his goal. However, after months of self-preparation, he took his first practice test and scored a disheartening 152. Aware that he needed guidance, Rafael sought the expertise of Josh Garfinkel, a highly recommended LSAT tutor.

The Tutoring Process

Upon meeting Rafael, Josh immediately recognized his potential and determination. They began working together, and Josh developed a customized study plan to address Rafael's specific needs. They started with a comprehensive review of Rafael's initial practice test to identify his strengths and weaknesses.

Josh then focused on teaching Rafael the fundamental concepts and strategies needed to tackle each section of the LSAT—Logical Reasoning, Analytical Reasoning, and Reading Comprehension. This included helping Rafael understand the logic behind each question type and providing targeted practice questions to improve his skills.

In addition to teaching the essential concepts, Josh emphasized the importance of time management and accuracy. Through timed practice sessions, Rafael learned how to work efficiently under pressure without compromising the quality of his responses.

Overcoming Challenges

During their tutoring sessions, Josh discovered that Rafael had difficulty grasping the intricacies of Logical Reasoning. To help Rafael overcome this hurdle, they delved into the nuances of logical arguments, assumptions, and flaws. Josh also encouraged Rafael to think critically and develop a systematic approach to tackling these questions. As their sessions continued, Rafael gained a deeper understanding of the material and became more adept at identifying and resolving complex logical reasoning problems.

Results Speak for Themselves

After several months of hard work and consistent tutoring with Josh, Rafael took another LSAT practice test. This time, he scored an impressive 171, a 19-point increase from his initial score. Rafael's dedication, combined with Josh's personalized tutoring approach, had paid off.

Rafael's LSAT journey is a testament to the power of focused and tailored tutoring. By working closely with an experienced tutor like Josh Garfinkel, Rafael was able to target his weaknesses, refine his skills, and ultimately achieve a score that opened the doors to his dream law schools.


Rafael's story is a perfect example of how determination, hard work, and the right guidance can lead to success. With the help of Josh Garfinkel's personalized tutoring, Rafael was able to transform his LSAT score from 152 to 171, paving the way to his dream law school and a promising legal career. If you're struggling with your LSAT preparation, consider seeking the expertise of a tutor like Josh Garfinkel to help you reach your full potential.

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